Documenting Processes and Procedures: Not Just for Litigation Anymore!

“If you don’t write it down, it didn’t happen.” How many of us have heard this before –… Continue reading Documenting Processes and Procedures: Not Just for Litigation Anymore!

The Help You Need: Internships and Your Office

Believe it or not, summer is the time where many students are preparing for graduation. How can a… Continue reading The Help You Need: Internships and Your Office

Cyber Hygiene: Clean Your Act Up

The White House has issued a new order in response to growing cybersecurity threats.  Is your procurement office… Continue reading Cyber Hygiene: Clean Your Act Up

Mentorship – Benefits for All

How do you learn best? In the classroom, a digital environment, independent study, or one on one interaction?… Continue reading Mentorship – Benefits for All

Pulse Fiscal Year Round-Up!

It is that time of the year again.   The end of the fiscal year and the kick… Continue reading Pulse Fiscal Year Round-Up!

Plan for Success with Project Management

You are already thinking like a project manager, you just don’t know it.

IT Procurement: Envisioning the Next Decade in Technology

2021 is the year of IT procurement. Here on the Research and Innovation Team, we have worked hard… Continue reading IT Procurement: Envisioning the Next Decade in Technology

Improving Cybersecurity in State Procurement

Technology is increasingly connected through cloud infrastructure making it more efficient and accessible, however more risk is taken… Continue reading Improving Cybersecurity in State Procurement

Customer Service to Agency Stakeholders

A successful procurement relies on quality customer service from the procurement specialist.  An important component of customer service… Continue reading Customer Service to Agency Stakeholders