Can’t We Just Blame Bureaucracy?

The COVID-19 pandemic shined a light on how both bureaucracy and supply chains react to black swan events.… Continue reading Can’t We Just Blame Bureaucracy?

Plan for Success with Project Management

You are already thinking like a project manager, you just don’t know it.

Robert Handfield and Zhaohui Wu Discuss NASPO’s COVID Report

2020 was not a normal year, by any means. Professions have been tested while the COVID-19 pandemic has… Continue reading Robert Handfield and Zhaohui Wu Discuss NASPO’s COVID Report

Get the Full Picture with SRM!

Public procurement knows cost is just what you pay, value is what you receive and SRM (Supplier Relationship… Continue reading Get the Full Picture with SRM!

Fix Your Meeting!

We have all been there. The moment you left the meeting, and you feel that nothing got done.… Continue reading Fix Your Meeting!

Is Agile the Answer?

“We used waterfall to put a man on the moon, so it can’t be that bad,” said Aldila… Continue reading Is Agile the Answer?