Can’t We Just Blame Bureaucracy?

The COVID-19 pandemic shined a light on how both bureaucracy and supply chains react to black swan events.… Continue reading Can’t We Just Blame Bureaucracy?

Documenting Processes and Procedures: Not Just for Litigation Anymore!

“If you don’t write it down, it didn’t happen.” How many of us have heard this before –… Continue reading Documenting Processes and Procedures: Not Just for Litigation Anymore!

Pulse Fiscal Year Round-Up!

It is that time of the year again.   The end of the fiscal year and the kick… Continue reading Pulse Fiscal Year Round-Up!

Plan for Success with Project Management

You are already thinking like a project manager, you just don’t know it.

Matt Oyer and Leading the Professional Development Team

Are you ready to check your pulse this week? In season 1, we wished our former Chief Learning… Continue reading Matt Oyer and Leading the Professional Development Team

Fix Your Meeting!

We have all been there. The moment you left the meeting, and you feel that nothing got done.… Continue reading Fix Your Meeting!

Don’t just Recover, Improve with these 7 Strategies

With every challenge comes opportunity, and the 2020 pandemic is no exception.  Pulse is here to help with… Continue reading Don’t just Recover, Improve with these 7 Strategies

A Day in the Life: Cindy Lombardi

This week we caught up with Cindy Lombardi, Chief Procurement Officer for the State of Colorado. Perfect timing… Continue reading A Day in the Life: Cindy Lombardi