Centralization with Thor Vue, Alaska’s CPO

What does centralization look like in a decentralized state? Alaska can give us some insight!   This week… Continue reading Centralization with Thor Vue, Alaska’s CPO

I’m Taking My Talents to the State!

In 2010 the best basketball player in the world, LeBron James, decided to broadcast “The Decision” the now… Continue reading I’m Taking My Talents to the State!

Documenting Processes and Procedures: Not Just for Litigation Anymore!

“If you don’t write it down, it didn’t happen.” How many of us have heard this before –… Continue reading Documenting Processes and Procedures: Not Just for Litigation Anymore!

Mentorship – Benefits for All

How do you learn best? In the classroom, a digital environment, independent study, or one on one interaction?… Continue reading Mentorship – Benefits for All

Implementing Change within State Government

Change is not easy. How do two people with the same title in different states implement learning and… Continue reading Implementing Change within State Government

Improving Cybersecurity in State Procurement

Technology is increasingly connected through cloud infrastructure making it more efficient and accessible, however more risk is taken… Continue reading Improving Cybersecurity in State Procurement

Customer Service to Agency Stakeholders

A successful procurement relies on quality customer service from the procurement specialist.  An important component of customer service… Continue reading Customer Service to Agency Stakeholders

Robert Handfield and Zhaohui Wu Discuss NASPO’s COVID Report

2020 was not a normal year, by any means. Professions have been tested while the COVID-19 pandemic has… Continue reading Robert Handfield and Zhaohui Wu Discuss NASPO’s COVID Report

Reflecting on the Pandemic: Networking

You, like many people, may feel dread in hearing the word “networking.” You are not alone, according to… Continue reading Reflecting on the Pandemic: Networking