Reflecting on the Pandemic: Networking

You, like many people, may feel dread in hearing the word “networking.” You are not alone, according to… Continue reading Reflecting on the Pandemic: Networking

Get the Full Picture with SRM!

Public procurement knows cost is just what you pay, value is what you receive and SRM (Supplier Relationship… Continue reading Get the Full Picture with SRM!

Fix Your Meeting!

We have all been there. The moment you left the meeting, and you feel that nothing got done.… Continue reading Fix Your Meeting!

How to Cope with Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity

By one estimate, this spring we leapt 5 years into the future in 8 weeks’ time so if… Continue reading How to Cope with Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity

5 Ways to Improve Your Procurement Crisis Management

Regardless of preparation and planning, crises will eventually occur. It is the procurement professional’s job to help resolve… Continue reading 5 Ways to Improve Your Procurement Crisis Management