Top 10 Connections

Have you heard of NASPO’s Top 10 Priorities for State Procurement?   Annually, NASPO surveys each member state… Continue reading Top 10 Connections

Can’t We Just Blame Bureaucracy?

The COVID-19 pandemic shined a light on how both bureaucracy and supply chains react to black swan events.… Continue reading Can’t We Just Blame Bureaucracy?

Documenting Processes and Procedures: Not Just for Litigation Anymore!

“If you don’t write it down, it didn’t happen.” How many of us have heard this before –… Continue reading Documenting Processes and Procedures: Not Just for Litigation Anymore!

Implementing Change within State Government

Change is not easy. How do two people with the same title in different states implement learning and… Continue reading Implementing Change within State Government

Plan for Success with Project Management

You are already thinking like a project manager, you just don’t know it.

Improving Cybersecurity in State Procurement

Technology is increasingly connected through cloud infrastructure making it more efficient and accessible, however more risk is taken… Continue reading Improving Cybersecurity in State Procurement

Robert Handfield and Zhaohui Wu Discuss NASPO’s COVID Report

2020 was not a normal year, by any means. Professions have been tested while the COVID-19 pandemic has… Continue reading Robert Handfield and Zhaohui Wu Discuss NASPO’s COVID Report

Fix Your Meeting!

We have all been there. The moment you left the meeting, and you feel that nothing got done.… Continue reading Fix Your Meeting!

3 Tips for Re-Building Your Post-Pandemic Office

Both the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and the National Conference of State Legislatures project that budget… Continue reading 3 Tips for Re-Building Your Post-Pandemic Office

Change Management: Prepare to Succeed

Change is an inevitable fact of life, and when working with executive offices or legislative bodies it’s often… Continue reading Change Management: Prepare to Succeed