Design Thinking: 5 Phases to Better Serve the Public

  Removing bottlenecks Eliminating inefficiencies Improving accuracy These are the common phrases championed by Continuous Process Improvement (CPI). … Continue reading Design Thinking: 5 Phases to Better Serve the Public

Continuous Process Improvement: Where to Start?

Have you set the right KPIs for effective CPI? Are you optimizing your operations for a synergistic effect?   It can… Continue reading Continuous Process Improvement: Where to Start?

Can’t We Just Blame Bureaucracy?

The COVID-19 pandemic shined a light on how both bureaucracy and supply chains react to black swan events.… Continue reading Can’t We Just Blame Bureaucracy?

Documenting Processes and Procedures: Not Just for Litigation Anymore!

“If you don’t write it down, it didn’t happen.” How many of us have heard this before –… Continue reading Documenting Processes and Procedures: Not Just for Litigation Anymore!

Plan for Success with Project Management

You are already thinking like a project manager, you just don’t know it.

Moving to eProcurement: Kelly Sanders and Andrew Cochran, OH

In the state of Ohio, Central Procurement has been asking themselves and their agency ambassadors, where do we… Continue reading Moving to eProcurement: Kelly Sanders and Andrew Cochran, OH

Improving Cybersecurity in State Procurement

Technology is increasingly connected through cloud infrastructure making it more efficient and accessible, however more risk is taken… Continue reading Improving Cybersecurity in State Procurement

Customer Service to Agency Stakeholders

A successful procurement relies on quality customer service from the procurement specialist.  An important component of customer service… Continue reading Customer Service to Agency Stakeholders

Cybersecurity is YOUR Responsibility

Just like you used to lock the file cabinets and the office door, procurement officials need to take… Continue reading Cybersecurity is YOUR Responsibility