Don’t Get Left Behind, Get Certified!

Many professionals reach a point in their career when they ask themselves: Should I get certified? Whether you… Continue reading Don’t Get Left Behind, Get Certified!

NASPO’s Strategic Partnerships Shape a Strategic Future

What do you picture when someone says, “Oh! Here is a resource for you!”? Traditionally, most people imagine… Continue reading NASPO’s Strategic Partnerships Shape a Strategic Future

Climbing the Summit: Government Performance and Innovation Recap

A couple of weeks ago (June 4th – 6th), I attended the Summit on Government Performance and Innovation… Continue reading Climbing the Summit: Government Performance and Innovation Recap

Build Today for a Better Tomorrow

NASPO’s Higher Education initiatives are built upon our relationships with academic partners. After more than three years of… Continue reading Build Today for a Better Tomorrow

3 Ways to Simultaneously Improve Employee and Customer Satisfaction

In the world of modern procurement, your office is constantly doing business with citizens, vendors, and government agencies.… Continue reading 3 Ways to Simultaneously Improve Employee and Customer Satisfaction

Workforce shortage? Have you considered emerging talent?

Article by Dana Dembrow (State of MD), Intro by Olivia Hook Frey (NASPO) Introduction by Olivia Hook Frey:… Continue reading Workforce shortage? Have you considered emerging talent?

3 Procurement Leadership Models for the New Year

Centralization and strategic leadership continue to be focus areas for state procurement offices around the country in the… Continue reading 3 Procurement Leadership Models for the New Year

Building a Sustainable Workforce Through College Student Outreach

Recruitment of emerging talent is an effort NASPO has focused on as an integral part of our higher education… Continue reading Building a Sustainable Workforce Through College Student Outreach

Building a Procurement Team for a Digital Future

Want your procurement staff to be ready for the next big thing? There is undeniable value in a… Continue reading Building a Procurement Team for a Digital Future

Continuous Improvement Webinar – Find the Gap!

Recently, on a NASPO webinar aimed at helping state procurement officials determine what continuous improvement tools and methods… Continue reading Continuous Improvement Webinar – Find the Gap!