Does Your Data Work for You?

One undeniable result of today’s digital environment is that we now find ourselves immensely and overwhelmingly surrounded…by data.… Continue reading Does Your Data Work for You?

Pulse Fiscal Year Round-Up!

It is that time of the year again.   The end of the fiscal year and the kick… Continue reading Pulse Fiscal Year Round-Up!

Four Steps to Better KPIs

Deciding what key performance indicators (KPIs) the central procurement office should use can be tough. Where to even… Continue reading Four Steps to Better KPIs

You’re So Vain: Vanity Metrics

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are a valuable resource to the public procurement official. The right KPIs will demonstrate… Continue reading You’re So Vain: Vanity Metrics

Supply Chain Fragility and Disruption Recovery

The COVID-19 pandemic has not merely disrupted production in the supply chain, it has, at times, temporarily stopped… Continue reading Supply Chain Fragility and Disruption Recovery

To Growth and Beyond: NASBO Fiscal Survey of States

It’s important to stay up-to-date on the nationwide trends for revenue and state spending. These trends affect the… Continue reading To Growth and Beyond: NASBO Fiscal Survey of States

Keeping up with the Economy: Local Economic Multipliers

Approximately 30 states have adopted preferences for small or local businesses and 37 states also have “reciprocal laws”… Continue reading Keeping up with the Economy: Local Economic Multipliers

Build Today for a Better Tomorrow

NASPO’s Higher Education initiatives are built upon our relationships with academic partners. After more than three years of… Continue reading Build Today for a Better Tomorrow

Meaningful KPIs in Four Easy Steps

Have you been tasked with developing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for your organization and don’t know where to… Continue reading Meaningful KPIs in Four Easy Steps