Plan for Success with Project Management

You are already thinking like a project manager, you just don’t know it.

Improving Cybersecurity in State Procurement

Technology is increasingly connected through cloud infrastructure making it more efficient and accessible, however more risk is taken… Continue reading Improving Cybersecurity in State Procurement

Customer Service to Agency Stakeholders

A successful procurement relies on quality customer service from the procurement specialist.  An important component of customer service… Continue reading Customer Service to Agency Stakeholders

Reflecting on the Pandemic: Networking

You, like many people, may feel dread in hearing the word “networking.” You are not alone, according to… Continue reading Reflecting on the Pandemic: Networking

Everything is NOT Awesome – Difficult Customer Situations

Imagine this – a state agency has come to you with frustrations about a lack of communication from… Continue reading Everything is NOT Awesome – Difficult Customer Situations

3 Tips for Re-Building Your Post-Pandemic Office

Both the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and the National Conference of State Legislatures project that budget… Continue reading 3 Tips for Re-Building Your Post-Pandemic Office

Preparing for Simultaneous Emergencies

If the COVID-19 pandemic has had a silver lining, it has been the forced shift to working from… Continue reading Preparing for Simultaneous Emergencies

Don’t just Recover, Improve with these 7 Strategies

With every challenge comes opportunity, and the 2020 pandemic is no exception.  Pulse is here to help with… Continue reading Don’t just Recover, Improve with these 7 Strategies

Change Management: Prepare to Succeed

Change is an inevitable fact of life, and when working with executive offices or legislative bodies it’s often… Continue reading Change Management: Prepare to Succeed

Communication Tips during COVID-19

We are all learning how to communicate differently in the COVID-19 world. Whether it is internal or external… Continue reading Communication Tips during COVID-19