Top 10 Connections

Have you heard of NASPO’s Top 10 Priorities for State Procurement?   Annually, NASPO surveys each member state… Continue reading Top 10 Connections

Back to the Value

Thirty-Five years ago, when the Value Chain Model was first introduced, procurement was viewed  narrowly as cut and… Continue reading Back to the Value

5 Things You Should Know About Reverse Auctions

Are reverse auctions a win-win for both parties? The answer depends on who you ask, and as always,… Continue reading 5 Things You Should Know About Reverse Auctions

A Day in the Life: Lisa Eason

This week we caught up with Lisa Eason, Deputy Commissioner for the State of Georgia, and 2019 NASPO… Continue reading A Day in the Life: Lisa Eason

Proactive Contract Management for the Modern Procurement Professional

This article is a proponent of NASPO Best Practices: Ethics and Accountability white paper and aims to augment… Continue reading Proactive Contract Management for the Modern Procurement Professional

Top Tips for Procuring Accessible Technology

Imagine trying to use a computer without a mouse. Imagine trying to watch a video without speakers. Imagine… Continue reading Top Tips for Procuring Accessible Technology

Meaningful KPIs in Four Easy Steps

Have you been tasked with developing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for your organization and don’t know where to… Continue reading Meaningful KPIs in Four Easy Steps

Through the Vendor’s Eyes: Procurement and Contract Management

NASPO recently held the REACH (Regional Education and Connection Hub) Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. 270 state members… Continue reading Through the Vendor’s Eyes: Procurement and Contract Management

Should I Get Certified?

Planning to take the CPPB or CPPO exams this fall? Wonder if the time and effort are worth… Continue reading Should I Get Certified?

Continuous Improvement Webinar – Find the Gap!

Recently, on a NASPO webinar aimed at helping state procurement officials determine what continuous improvement tools and methods… Continue reading Continuous Improvement Webinar – Find the Gap!