For Suppliers
NASPO offers a collection of resources that are specifically geared towards the needs of current and future suppliers
Benefits of being a NASPO ValuePoint Contractor
Our contractors benefit considerably by avoiding repetitive bid preparation expenses and eliminating the need to submit multiple responses for similar solicitations with different jurisdictions. Contractors can factor in greater volumes for multiple jurisdictions when determining their pricing. These savings are then passed along to the states
How do I become a NASPO ValuePoint Supplier?
Our Master Agreements are awarded through a competitive procurement process led by a state. This involves forming a sourcing team with volunteers from other states to develop the RFP and evaluate proposals. To become affiliated with NASPO ValuePoint, your company must participate in the RFP process and be ranked highly by the lead state and sourcing team. You can find open solicitations on the NASPO ValuePoint website, and participating states may also advertise them through their own methods. Keep an eye out for upcoming opportunities by periodically checking the website.
How can my company get on a NASPO ValuePoint contract?
It is important to note that new contractors cannot join during the contract period once a contract is already in place. However, contractors can partner with awarded NASPO ValuePoint contractors if they choose to do so. Moreover, the contract may be reopened for a refresh or resolicitation at any time, which allows new contractors to submit a bid or proposal. The lead state will release new solicitations and advertise them through its system. At the same time, NASPO ValuePoint promotes the solicitation to all NASPO states, welcoming any vendor to respond with a bid or proposal. Finally, the contract(s) will be evaluated and awarded by the lead state and sourcing team.
What marketing opportunities are available?
NASPO ValuePoint contractors can promote themselves to states and other end users. They are advised to mention their NASPO ValuePoint Master Agreements. NASPO ValuePoint participates in several trade shows annually, and suppliers are encouraged to participate in them and identify as NASPO ValuePoint Suppliers. Suppliers are also advised to attend the annual NASPO Exchange, usually held in the spring.
If there isn’t an open opportunity, can I still become a NASPO ValuePoint supplier?
It’s possible to team up with an existing supplier or offer your products through them as third-party products, depending on the master agreement. Look at the master agreements to find out if this is an option. Moreover, many NASPO ValuePoint master agreements are given to manufacturers or major resellers who distribute products and services through their authorized dealer networks. This means that there are opportunities for both existing and potential authorized dealers.
How can I become a Great NVP Contractor?
How to be a Great NVP Contractor PowerPoint
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Interested in Becoming a NASPO ValuePoint Supplier?
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