Karen Boeger Director of Purchasing
Karen Boeger has been with the State of Missouri, Division of Purchasing in the Office of Administration since March 1984. As the division director, Karen oversees the state’s Commodities, Information Technology, and Services Procurement sections, as well as the division’s operations, including the implementation of the new statewide eProcurement system, MissouriBUYS.
Prior to becoming division director on May 1, 2014, Karen served as assistant director for 12 years and previously served as the section manager of the division’s Information Technology Procurement section.
Karen received a Bachelor of Science Degree in business administration from Central Missouri State University in Warrensburg, Missouri. She is certified as a Certified Professional Public Buyer and is a member of the National Association of State Procurement Officials, the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing, and the Missouri Association of Public Purchasing.
Tenure, May, 2014