The Repository of State Practices (RoSP) is a database of state procurement statutes, regulations, and policies. NASPO’s Research and Innovation team continually update the RoSP. Best Value Procurement best-value-procurement rosp_category State authority to conduct best value procurement (BVP) raw MN ST § 16C.02
Subd. 4. Best value. “Best value” describes a result intended in the acquisition of all goods and services. Price must be one of the evaluation criteria when acquiring goods and services. Other evaluation criteria may include, but are not limited to, environmental considerations, quality, and vendor performance. In achieving “best value” strategic sourcing tools, including but not limited to best and final offers, negotiations, contract consolidation, product standardization, and mandatory-use enterprise contracts shall be used at the commissioner’s discretion. Public Link: Bid Protest bid-protest rosp_category Statutory, regulatory, and procedural guidance for bid protests raw MN ST § 16C.03
Subd. 2. Rulemaking authority. (a) Subject to chapter 14, the commissioner may adopt rules, consistent with this chapter and chapter 16B, relating to the following topics:
(1) procurement process including solicitations and responses to solicitations, bid security, vendor errors, opening of responses, award of contracts, tied bids, and award protest process; Public Link: Statutory Guidance Bidder Responsibility bidder-responsibility rosp_category Statutory, regulatory, and procedural guidance for bidder responsibility raw MN ADC 1230.0150
“Responsible vendor” means a vendor who:
is a manufacturer of, deals in, but is not a broker of, or is the agent of a manufacturer with full knowledge of supplies to be furnished; or
if services are to be provided, has the necessary skills or is in the business of supplying these services; and
can demonstrate a satisfactory credit standing, lack of delinquent tax liability, and the financial capability to perform a contract as evidenced by the ability to obtain bonding when required; and
has no unresolved record of failure to perform, or of unsatisfactory performance of, contracts for the state or other customers; and
is not currently debarred by another government entity for any cause including defaults on contracts, late deliveries, products not meeting specifications, substandard installation, or service; and
is otherwise qualified under rule and law, including incorporation in or registration to do business in Minnesota; and
has not engaged in unlawful practices, associated with organized crime, or operated under false names or fronts as a small business or a socially or economically disadvantaged small business; and
is in compliance with all tax laws of Minnesota, as evidenced by timely filing of all required returns, reports, payments, and possession of all applicable stamps, licenses, or other permits, and freedom from any judgment, lien, or seizure of assets or property to satisfy tax payments or duties; and
is willing to furnish all information necessary to determine responsibility as outlined in items A to H within 30 calendar days or less or within a reasonable amount of time determined by prior consensus between the bidder and the division. Public Link: Yes Goods and Services Procurement goods-and-services-procurement rosp_category State entity with the statutory authority and oversight for the purchasing of goods and services raw MN ST § 16C.03
Subdivision 1. Renumbered § 16C.001 in St.2014.
Subd. 2. Rulemaking authority. (a) Subject to chapter 14, the commissioner may adopt rules, consistent with this chapter and chapter 16B, relating to the following topics:
(1) procurement process including solicitations and responses to solicitations, bid security, vendor errors, opening of responses, award of contracts, tied bids, and award protest process;
(2) contract performance and failure to perform;
(3) authority to debar or suspend vendors, and reinstatement of vendors;
(4) contract cancellation;
(5) procurement from rehabilitation facilities;
(6) organizational conflicts of interest; and
(7) surplus property acquisition, distribution, and disposal.
(b) Minnesota Rules, parts 1230.0100 to 1230.4300, adopted under chapter 16B, govern under this chapter until amended, repealed, or superseded by rules adopted under chapter 16B or this chapter. In the event rules adopted under chapter 16B conflict with provisions of this chapter, this chapter governs.
Subd. 3. Acquisition authority. The commissioner shall acquire all goods, general services, building construction, and utilities needed by agencies. The commissioner shall make all decisions regarding acquisition activities. The commissioner shall conduct all contracting by, for, and between agencies and perform all contract management and review functions for contracts, except those functions specifically delegated to be performed by the contracting agency, the attorney general, or as otherwise provided for by law…. Public Link: Central Procurement Office Procurement Website procurement-website rosp_category Official state procurement website for public raw Public Link: Public Notice public-notice rosp_category The required time between the issuance of a formal solicitation and the scheduled opening of bids or proposals raw MN ADC 1230.0300
Subpart 1. **Publication. ** Notice of solicitations estimated to exceed the limits established by Minnesota Statutes, section [16C.06](, subdivision 1, must be advertised at least seven calendar days prior to the opening date. Public Link 1: 7 Days Reverse Auctions reverse-auctions rosp_category State authority to conduct reverse auctions raw MN ST § 16C.10
Subd. 7. Reverse auction. (a) For the purpose of this subdivision, “reverse auction” means a purchasing process in which vendors compete to provide goods or services at the lowest selling price in an open and interactive environment. Reverse auctions may not be utilized to procure engineering design services or architectural services or to establish building and construction contracts under sections 16C.26 to 16C.29.
(b) The provisions of sections 13.591, subdivision 3, and 16C.06, subdivision 2, do not apply when the commissioner determines that a reverse auction is the appropriate purchasing process. Public Link: Partial Authorization State Procurement Manual state-procurement-manual rosp_category Official state procurement manual available to public raw Public Link: State Statutes and Regulations state-statutes-and-regulations rosp_category State databases of statutes and regulations raw Resource Public Link 1: Resource 1: Administration and Finance (Ch. 16A-16e)Chapter 16C. State Procurement Resource Public Link 2: Resource 2: Department of Administration [1200 to 1365]Chapter 1230. State Contracts State-Wide Contracts state-wide-contracts rosp_category Awarded contracts as provided by each state raw State-Wide Contracts Link: Supplier Registration supplier-registration rosp_category Information for suppliers as provided by each state raw Supplier Registration Link: Technology Procurement technology-procurement rosp_category State entity with the statutory authority and oversight for the purchasing of technology raw MN ADC 1230.1910 State Central Procurement Office