
Uncategorized Bulletins


Message from 2019 NASPO

President Lisa Eason


“Soon my tenure as NASPO President will draw to a close. This experience has truly been a privilege and an honor and
one of the highlights of my career. . .”




Incoming President George Schutter Announces Leadership Appointments for 2020



The 2019 NASPO Incoming President is charged with appointing members to fill vacancies on the Board of Directors, assign NASPO Board
members to serve in designated champion roles and select committee leadership to serve for the calendar year 2020.


In accordance with NASPO bylaws, Incoming President George Schutter announces the following 2020 NASPO Board of Directors, Champions
and Committee leadership appointments, all of which are effective January 1, 2020.


 Board Appointments:


Deb Damore, State of Vermont, has accepted the position of 2020

Peter Korolyk,
State of Delaware, has accepted the appointment to fill NASPO President-Elect Roz Ingram’s second term.

Megan Holmlund, State of Montana, has accepted the appointment
to fulfill the 2-year term (2020-2021) Schutter is vacating to become 2020 NASPO President.


Board Champion appointments:


Debbie Dennis, State of Oregon, Member Engagement Champion

Meghan Holmlund, State of Montana, PR and Awareness Champion

Bob Gleason, State of Maryland, Special Projects Champion

Jaime Schorr, State of Maine, Research and Innovation Champion

Delbert Singleton, State of South Carolina, Regional Relations

Kelly Sanders, State of Ohio, Conference and Events Champion

Roz Ingram, State of Florida, Governance and Oversight Champioin

Deb Damore, State of Vermont, Financial Stability Champion

Steve Berg, North Dakota, Stakeholder Relations Chair

Peter Korolyk. State of Delaware, Recognition and Awards Champion

Lisa Eason, State of Georgia, Professional Development Champion


Other Committee Chair appointments:


Debbie Dennis, Oregon, Nominations Committee Chair

Delbert Singleton, South Carolina, REACH Committee Chair

Kelly Sanders, Ohio, Cronin Committee Chair

Deb Damore, Vermont, Joint Audit & Investment Committee Chair

Rick Hughes, Arizona, Cooperative Contracting Award

Jeff Holden, NASPO Life Member, Mazzone Award Taskforce Chair

Sara Redford,
Wisconsin Annual Conference Committee Chair

Gregg Olivera, New Jersey, Exchange Committee Chair

McCall Ginsberg, Georgia Law Institute Planning Committee Chair


On behalf of NASPO, thanks to all for your willingness to serve our association in a leadership capacity. 






Registration is Open for Procurement U’s Spring CPPO, CPPB Prep Courses


Are you or a member of your staff taking the CPPO or CPPB in 2020? Sign up for Procurement U’s
Spring 2020 Exam Prep Courses! These courses are designed to assist any public procurement professional preparing to take the UPPCC CPPB or CPPO certification exams. Registration
will remain open through February 17, 2020 for the Spring 2020 courses.

Procurement U’s Spring prep courses run
March 1 to May 3, 2020. These convenient, web-based, instructor-led courses are worth 12 contact hours. NASPO members and all other state government employees enjoy a discounted rate of $300 over the standard price of $480.


for the CPPB course. Register
for the CPPO course.




Don’t miss the 2019 Cronin

Awards Webinar Series


The Cronin Awards Finalist webinar series is underway, and there are several upcoming webinar dates scheduled that you don’t want to
miss! These webinars highlight our 2019 finalist submissions, and you can register at


December 10, Florida:
Analysis and Procurement Strategy

January 16, Michigan:
Risk with Contract Management  

February 6, Minnesota:
Begets Innovation: How Challenge- Based RFPs Have Been a Winning Solution for Minnesota

February 20, Massachusetts:
Data = Meaningful Analytics Improving Vendor Report Information Management

February 27, New York:
File Requirements System


All webinars will be held at
3pm ET.
Register here.


The Cronin Awards Finalist webinars are
free and each one offers
one contact hour. You can register at
Archived webinars of previous Cronin Awards winners are also available here.






Holiday Discounts from Procurement U

Check out these limited time deals!


Pre-order Introduction to Ethical Procurement Course

Course Available Beginning January 8th


As we enter the holiday season and approach the December 6th
deadline to use any remaining 2019 Professional Development Funds, it’s a great time to give yourself or your staff the gift of education by enrolling in Procurement U’s new online course,
Introduction to Ethical Procurement. This course is now available for pre-order at a
discounted price of just $15 for NASPO members and all state government employees.


This special-pre-order discounted price will end December 16th.
here to learn more.


Introduction to Procurement Bundle

Also available is a new
“Introduction to Procurement Bundle,” which includes the
Procurement 101: Foundations of Public Procurement
course and a copy of our new
“State and Local Government Procurement: A Practical Guide”
textbook. A $165 value, this bundle is available for $125 for a limited time to NASPO members and state government employees. Discount will end on December 16th.


For additional information regarding this bundle,
here. Email
if you have questions about either of these deals. And don’t forget to use up your remaining 2019 professional development funds on all the great resources Procurement U has to offer!




2020 NASPO Exchange Registration is Open!


Registration is now open for the 2020 NASPO Exchange, March 24-26, in Nashville, Tennessee. The NASPO Exchange provides a unique venue
designed to build relationships among the supplier community and state governments, the largest consumers of goods and services in the country.


The 2020 Exchange promises to be another great opportunity for learning, networking and partnering between the state procurement and
supplier communities to support more effective procurement outcomes.


WHAT: 2020 NASPO Exchange

WHEN: March 24-26, 2020

Nashville Hotel | Nashville, Tennessee







OregonBuys Marketplace featured

in Governing Daily


The state of Oregon has contracted with Periscope Holdings, a developer of e-procurement systems based in Austin, Texas, to create a new statewide procurement platform, OregonBuys,
set to launch in 2020. Read more here. 






Maintaining a healthy Pulse rate


Each week, the Procurement Pulse team brings to you detailed information about the programs, services, trends and information important
to busy public procurement professionals. You can sign up to receive weekly updates from
Pulse and have the latest on emerging issues and hot topics in state procurement delivered straight to your inbox.


Some of the most recent Pulse posts include NASPO members describing how they have successfully implemented
methodologies in their offices; what to include in your
transparency checklist; a
column written from the viewpoint of one of NASPO’s academic partners; and a summary of the National Association of State Budget Officers’ (NASBO) biennial update
on the fiscal
health of the states.


to read all the blog posts and subscribe to receive

weekly updates from The Pulse!





for Submissions for the 2020 SPLC Summit + Connect is now open!


NASPO is proud to serve as a promotional partner for the Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council (SPLC) 2020 Summit.
SPLC is calling on the sustainable purchasing community for submissions as it prepares for the Summit next May in Atlanta to focus on the most meaningful strategies for sustainable
purchasing and commit to shared action to make them the new normal.


The deadline to submit proposals is December 1, 2019.
Speakers receive substantial discounts on 2020 Summit registration!  


Share your examples of the powerful impacts purchasing can have on environmental, economic and social trends.

Communicate successful solutions that unlocked benefits for the organizations you work for, and the communities you work in. 

Illustrate strategies for addressing multiple attributes and impacts with holistic analysis and understanding.

Connect and align with experts in areas where you are seeking solutions and colleagues who have addressed the issues you are facing.

Gain recognition for your work among the global leaders in sustainable procurement.


For more information on themes, categories of interest and submission instructions, visit the 2020
Summit + Connect Call for Submissions website. 




During this time of year dedicated to giving thanks, NASPO is especially grateful for our members and all you do to support this association.
From participating in conferences to serving in a leadership role, NASPO appreciates your dedication to the profession of public procurement.


Best wishes to you and yours for a very Happy Thanksgiving.