
Uncategorized Bulletins

September 2022

NASPO Adds Three New Strategic Partners

NASPO has added three new partners through 2025. The National Conference of State Fleet Administrators (NCSFA), StateRAMP, and the Canadian Public Procurement Council (CPPC) each bring a unique focus that strengthens NASPO’s connections within the procurement and government community. 

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Howard University Joins NASPO Academic Partners

Howard University is the ninth higher education institution, and first Historically Black College and University (HBCU), to join NASPO as an Academic Partner to provide value to our state members as well as students pursuing a career in the public sector through supply chain management programs.

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Cronin Award Top 5 Finalists Announced

The top five finalists for the 2022 Cronin Award for Procurement Excellence are:

Georgia – Procurement Officer Bootcamp

Idaho – Help Me Help You! A New Take on Requests for Information

Michigan – Competitive Proof of Concept: Trying Before You Buy While Complying with Competitive Requirements

Minnesota – The Right Step

Tennessee – Diversity Intelligence in Tennessee – II (DIT-II)

The Gold, Silver, and Bronze Awards will be announced at the 2022 Annual Conference later this month. 

REACH NASPO Cares Update

The Eastern Region won a lively competition at the 2022 REACH Conference, and their charity of choice, Operation Breakthrough, received a donation of $2,000. 

Jennifer Heinemann, Director of Stewardship and Planned Giving for Operation Breakthrough shared, “We feel very lucky that NASPO’s Eastern Region chose to play for the children of Operation Breakthrough – and won! The prize money will help us start the new school year strong for our 700 students who range in age from six weeks to 18 years. Your kindness will help provide learning opportunities they might not otherwise have. Thank you so much for making our children the real winners at your game night!”

Thank you to all of our REACH attendees who participated in NASPO Cares. You’re making a difference! 

Upcoming Events

Annual Conference
September 25 – 28
San Diego, CA

New Lawyer Bootcamp*
November 8
Only available when registering for Law Institute. 

State Procurement Law Institute*

November 8 – 10
Charleston, SC
Registration closes October 7

*Registration Open

Procurement U Gives Back Wins ASAE Power of Association Award

NASPO’s Procurement U Gives Back program has been recognized with a 2022 Power of Associations Gold Award from ASAE: The Center for Association Leadership. 

NASPO at 75:
2013 – NASPO Joins Twitter

In 2013, NASPO joined Twitter bringing its news and resources to social media. 

The same year, NASPO introduced a monthly newsletter, the Bulletin. 

Let NASPO Help with Newsletter Content

Looking for content for your procurement office newsletter or publication? NASPO can help! 

Complete the form, and NASPO staff will reach out to discuss content we can supply or assist with for your publications. 

New Publication
Supplier Management Fact Sheet

Download the newest resource from NASPO:
the Supplier Management Fact Sheet. 

Designed to give you a quick look at supplier management principles and best practices to implement, this handy reference is available now! 

Download the Fact Sheet


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