Uncategorized Bulletins
COVID-19 Update
Visit naspo.org/covid-19-resources to learn more about how NASPO is meeting member needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Resources from NASPO as well as external partners are available, including state emergency declarations, CDC recommendations, NASPO ValuePoint contract updates, and emergency preparedness information. NASPO members can also access additional resources by logging in to the NASPO Network.
State Directors are invited to attend a weekly call to discuss emerging issues, each Monday at 2 pm ET. To be included on these calls, please reach out to Olivia Frey, Director of Membership Engagement and Strategic Partnerships. Calls are limited to NASPO members.
Learn More Here
Emergency Preparedness Guide Released
The NASPO Research and Innovation Team is pleased to release the Emergency Preparedness Guide. This guide has been in creation for over a year, and while it does not specifically address the current Coronavirus or pandemics, emergency declarations by states and guidelines associated with those declarations are included and may be helpful to our members at this time. A Quick Action List is available on page 53 of the document and may be of immediate use.
Download the Emergency Preparedness Guide
NASPO IT Department Seeks to Help
Members During Pandemic
The NASPO IT Department is working to improve the tools we have and rapidly develop new tools to provide information to members. They are working on website changes to help members get updates from NASPO ValuePoint suppliers that can assist with emergency supplies and telework tools or have special offers to support public agencies during this time. Please contact Bob Sievert for any technology requests/needs related to the NASPO or NASPO ValuePoint websites.
Procurement U Available to Assist Members with Remote Work and Virtual Training Needs
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Procurement U team has been working to assist states with their remote work and virtual training needs. They are compiling resources states can utilize and have also provided trainers with additional resources for conducting procurement training in a virtual environment, including helping states use their NASPO Professional Development Funds to provide online procurement training through the Procurement U LMS.
Contact procurementu@naspo.org if you need help with virtual training, and check out this blog post for information on virtual training and remove work resources.
Board of Directors Update
Reminder for all Primary Members: the monthly Board of Directors Meeting Packets (which include the Board meeting agenda, supplemental meeting materials, the prior month’s meeting notes, and the organization’s financial statement) are uploaded to the Directors Community on the NASPO Network within 7 days of the conclusion of the Board Meeting. We encourage our Primary Members to review the packets and reach out to George Schutter, NASPO President, or Lindle Hatton, NASPO-NASPO ValuePoint CEO, with any questions.
Have Your Checked Your Pulse Lately?
The Procurement Pulse team works hard to bring you information about programs, services, trends, and information important to public procurement professionals. You can sign up to receive weekly updates from Procurement Pulse and have the latest on emerging issues and hot topics in state procurement delivered straight to your inbox.
Some of the recent Pulse posts include information for adapting to the new working environments created by the pandemic: Ease Working from Home and Managing Remote Workers.