NASPO ValuePoint (NVP) has released a new app designed for the supplier community, it’s called NVP Mobile.
The app provides a variety of resources for:
Current NVP suppliers
The private industry
Those who want to learn more about public procurement, especially small business enterprises
The app will provide information on existing cooperative contract opportunities and also guidelines for contract development. The app also features NASPO educational content!
“This app is intended to meet the customer where they live….We’re trying to raise the level of understanding; a rising tide lifts all boats. Think about it that way, a rising tide of knowledge and understanding will lift every boat in every state with every small and medium-sized business.”
– Bart Lemmon, NASPO ValuePoint Supplier Development Director
Educational resources for suppliers are the app’s main objectives. Navigating the world of public procurement is complex and nuanced, especially for businesses with minimal to no experience in this sector. NVP Mobile looks to empower all suppliers with a better understanding of how to maximize their reach.
Included in the app are free procurement tools like:
Cost of bidding analysis
Information on state procurement preferences for small to medium size business
Best and final offer examples
NASPO ValuePoint’s Supplier Academy
NVP Mobile is where suppliers can come to engage with state procurement. Specific guidance on making sense of an RFP and how to bid is an opportunity to further training within the app. There is even a feature where suppliers can schedule a 15-minute meeting with ValuePoint. NVP Mobile supports engagement that interacts with the private sector to share valuable market research and offers the public sector a look into the future of where technology is going and what states need to consider.
This is only the beginning, starting with an inclusive approach to educating a broader pool of vendors will mutually benefit suppliers and customers in the public sector.
Make sure to check your app store for NVP Mobile, today!
For more information about ValuePoint Cooperative Contracts, visit