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NASPO releases 2019 Annual

Report to Members


This year truly has been another eventful one in the history of NASPO.


Since 2018, NASPO has gradually assumed ownership of the program development and execution of conferences and events, while continuing
to support the professional development needs of our members. In 2019, NASPO and NASPO ValuePoint embarked on a new organizational model of alignment, merging into a single entity and appointing a Chief Operations Officer for ValuePoint, all in an effort to
bring more cohesion and better cooperative contracts to you, our members.


NASPO Report to Members provides a reflection on some of the strides NASPO has made during the program year to achieve the goals and objectives set forth by the
Board of Directors. This year’s digital
publication provides easily clickable links to many enhanced educational opportunities and timely resources available as a NASPO member benefit. We hope you will
take some time to review this report and become more familiar with the variety of services and benefits that your NASPO membership provides. 



NASPO enters strategic

partnership with GW Law


NASPO’s central mission is to support the success of its members. NASPO uses many methods to achieve this goal, including long-term partnerships
with select higher
education institutions across the country. These academic relationships have offered significant benefits that nurture the public procurement profession, including
internships, scholarships, career fairs, educational courses, research and faculty engagement with state and national forums and events. 


NASPO is pleased to announce a recent relationship established with George Washington University’s Contract Law Program (GW Law) in Washington,
D.C. There is great value in this partnership because the nature of public procurement is highly legalistic. 


GW Law sponsors a unique program in public procurement legal studies, dedicated to preparing students for the challenges of the ever-evolving
modern workplace while creating a thriving environment for exploration, innovation and achievement. Members of the GW Law faculty have been frequent guests and participants at NASPO’s Law Institute. In 2019, NASPO representatives met with GW Law leadership
and faculty to discuss strategic partnership on many levels, finding common interest in the future of public procurement, developing courses in public procurement education, joint participation in academic forums, training and job placement. NASPO and GW Law
agreed to work together to build career pathways and encourage continued learning, interest and knowledge about public procurement.


We look forward to this new partnership!


Taking the CPPO or CPPB in 2020? Sign up for Procurement U’s
Spring 2020 Exam Prep Courses! These courses are designed to assist any public procurement professional preparing to take the UPPCC CPPB or CPPO certification exams. Registration
will remain open through February 17, 2020 for the Spring 2020 courses.

Procurement U’s Spring prep courses run
March 1 to May 3, 2020. These are convenient, web-based, instructor-led courses are worth 12 contact hours. NASPO members and all other state government employees enjoy a discounted rate of $300 over the standard price of $480.


for the CPPB course. Register here
for the CPPO course.

UPPCC will be accepting applications until February 3 for the May 2020 testing window. Learn more at



Register Now for the 2020 Exchange!


Registration is open for the 2020 Exchange, March 24-26, in Nashville, Tennessee! The NASPO Exchange provides a unique venue designed
to build relationships among the supplier community and state governments, the largest consumers of goods and services in the country.


The 2020 Exchange promises to be another great opportunity for learning, networking and partnering between the state procurement and
supplier communities to support more effective procurement outcomes.


2020 NASPO Exchange

March 24-26, 2020

Renaissance Nashville Hotel | Nashville, Tennessee





Mark Your Calendars for the

Cronin Webinar Series


The Cronin Awards Finalist Webinar Series is underway, and there are several upcoming webinars scheduled that you don’t want to miss!
These webinars highlight our 2019 finalist submissions, and you can register by clicking the links below:


January 16, Michigan

February 6, Minnesota

February 20, Massachusetts

February 27, New York


If you missed out on Silver Award winner Florida’s presentation on December 10, you can watch it


The Cronin Awards Finalist Webinar Series is
free and each one offers
one contact hour. Register


Archived webinars of previous Cronin Awards winners are also available




Don’t Miss the Market Research

Roundup Webinar!


NASPO’s Research and Innovation Team and the ProcurementIQ
Senior Client Relationship Managers will host a Market Research Roundup Webinar on Tuesday, February 4, 2020 from 3-4 pm ET on
Utilizing Analysis Tools to Acquire Best Value.


Jesse Marks, Florida Chief of the Bureau of Goods/Services, and Shawn Hoover, Louisiana State Procurement Supervisor, will share their
experiences using market research analysis tools to acquire best value—positively affecting the bottom line and ultimately saving taxpayer dollars.


We hope you’ll mark your calendars and join us for this event. For more information, contact Kevin Minor at




NASPO Board of Directors

approves endowments


On December 3, 2019, the NASPO Board of Directors took steps to ensure the long-term sustainability of the organization by designating
a portion of the unrestricted net assets to provide support for programs, projects, members, and initiatives that enable the organization to fulfill its mission and reach its goals. 


The Board of Directors has the ultimate authority and responsibility to designate the use of unrestricted net assets. It is anticipated
that the Board will review these designations annually and will make modifications as needed.


The Board of Directors has designated the following endowments in which to restrict net assets:


Professional Development Endowment–An
endowment to supplement the yearly allocation of the operating budget to support the professional development of public procurement staff. The Board has designated $25,000,000 of unrestricted net assets to establish this endowment.


Procurement Certification Endowment–Recognizing
that the CPPO and CPPB certifications elevate the knowledge and professionalism of public procurement, the Board of Directors has designated an endowment to offset the cost of exams and support the UPPCC. The Board has designated $10,000,000 of unrestricted
net assets to establish this endowment.


Operational Endowment–Established
to enable the organization to sustain operations in the event of funding declines and to promote confidence in the long-term sustainability of the Organization. The Board has designated $10,000,000 of unrestricted net assets to establish this endowment.


Public Procurement Asset Improvement Endowment–Recognizing
the decline in state funds for necessary technology upgrades, the Board has designated $22,000,000 for the improvement of technology within state offices.


ValuePoint Legal Defense Endowment–Intended
to meet the expenses as the result of unanticipated litigation from the cooperative purchasing programs and its activities. The Board has designated $5,000,000 to establish this endowment.


The use of these funds will be in accordance with the Board Designated Endowment Spending policy and any relevant polices established
by the Board for the expenditure of these funds. These funds will be invested according to the Investment Policy established by the Board of Directors on November 15, 2019.  





What’s Your Pulse Rate?


The Procurement Pulse team works hard to bring to you information about the programs, services, trends and information important to public
procurement professionals. You can sign up to receive weekly updates from
Pulse and have the latest on emerging issues and hot topics in state procurement delivered straight to your inbox.


Some of the most recent Pulse posts include “A Day in the Life” feature on the 2019 Mazzone Distinguished Service Award recipient
Hall; the dates and times of the
Cronin Awards Webinar Series; a piece on the current state of
and the importance of NASPO’s latest higher education partner, George
Washington Law.


to read all the blog posts and subscribe to receive

weekly updates from The Pulse!

Welcome to the newest NASPO members. . .


Stacy Gregg, Honorary Member


Janelle McGarry, Associate Member


Jason Soza, Honorary Member