
NASPO Awards

The NASPO Awards celebrate the outstanding contributions of individuals to the field of public procurement. These awards recognize excellence in various aspects of procurement, including innovation, leadership, and service to the profession.

2023 Winners

The 2023 George Cronin Awards for Procurement Excellence were announced at NASPO’s Annual Conference, held in Atlanta, Georgia, September 17th-20th, 2023.

2023 Cronin Submission Booklet

Please download our comprehensive booklet to read the full 2023 Cronin Award submissions.

Supplementary NASPO-produced videos for our award-winners and finalists are also featured below. Start getting inspired!

2023 Cronin Committee Booklet – All Submissions_KSUpdatesB https://cms.naspo.org/awards/2023-cronin-committee-booklet-all-submissions_ksupdatesb/ 2023-cronin-committee-booklet-all-submissions_ksupdatesb inherit 2023-12-01 20:48:16 2023-12-01 20:48:16 application/pdf application pdf Gold Winner Michigan Lifecycle Supplier Outreach & Relationship Management Silver Winner Michigan Professional Development for IT Procurement Bronze Winner Arizona SPO Library Project Finalist Utah Sustainable Procurement Advancements Finalist Florida Modernized Quarterly Sales Reporting