

NASPO currently partners with 17 Strategic Partners and 9 Academic Partners to form strong relationships with existing procurement organizations and continually elevate the public procurement profession.

Interested in partnering with your local community college or university for training needs, internships or more?

Check out this comprehensive list of institutions near you.
Each college/university listed is within a 10-mile radius of the Central Procurement Office.

Building an Academic Partnership University-Partnership-Guide https://cms.naspo.org/partnerships/university-partnership-guide-2/ university-partnership-guide-2 inherit 2023-08-18 04:27:56 2023-08-18 04:27:56 application/pdf application pdf #46a6bb Compile a List Find schools with supply chain programs or programs that relate to procurement. #f79521 Research Programs Evaluate the programs you are interested in learning about/working with. After, select the schools you would like to connect with. #8fc43f Make Contact Find the faculty/staff you would like to connect with. Keep track of contact. #c73b31 Partnership Opportunities Partnership Opportunities: Research, presentations, Internships (NASPO Internship Toolkit), SME, etc. NASPO Internship Toolkit https://cms.naspo.org/get-involved/2021_internship_toolkit_partner_version/ 2021_internship_toolkit_partner_version inherit 2023-06-26 21:04:32 2023-06-27 00:45:20 application/pdf application pdf NASPO Events Internship Opportunities Questions? We love to help our members with building partnerships. Please reach out with questions. We’re happy to help! Contact Us