
Uncategorized Bulletins

November 2022

Students Explore Public Procurement in Case Study Competition

Nine university teams competed October 21-22 at Iowa State University in a public procurement Case Study Competition. With NASPO members and staff serving as judges, each university team had 24 hours to complete a case study and present it for consideration. Congratulations to all of the students who presented, including the universities who took top honors! 

First Place:
Northeastern University

Second Place:
Brigham Young University

Third Place:
University of Wisconsin – Madison

NASCIO “State of the States” Webinar
NASPO Members Invited

NASPO Strategic Partner, the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) has invited NASPO members to attend its upcoming webinar, State of the States: IT Priorities, Trends, and Perspectives, on November 17 at 2 pm ET. 

Specific topics to be addressed include cybersecurity risks, digital services, application modernization, evolving business models, and challenges with recruiting and retaining the IT workforce.

New Procurement U Course
How to Protect Yourself Against Phishing Attacks

Procurement U is excited to announce a new self-paced course. With reports of online scams and cyberattacks on the rise, learn how to identify them before it’s too late and avoid becoming another cautionary tale.

Enroll now by logging on to Procurement U. 

Save the Dates for Cronin Award Finalist Webinars

The 2022 Cronin Award Finalists will present webinars on their projects, beginning in January 2023. Watch for registration links.

All webinars will take place from 3 to 4 pm ET.

January 11 – Idaho (Silver Award)
Help Me Help You! A New Take on Requests for Information

January 18 – Michigan (Gold Award)
Competitive Proof of Concept: Trying Before You Buy While Complying with Competitive Requirements

February 1 – Tennessee (Bronze Award)
Diversity Intelligence in Tennessee – II

February 15 – Georgia
Procurement Officer Bootcamp

March 1 – Minnesota
The Right Step

Upcoming Events

New Lawyer Bootcamp
November 8
Charleston, SC

State Procurement Law Institute
November 8 – 10
Charleston, SC

State Training Coordinators Conference (STCC)*
February 7 – 9
San Antonio, TX

Contract Leads Conference (CLC)*
February 13 – 16
San Antonio, TX

*Registration Open

Join the Regional Council Calls in November

Put the NASPO Regional Council Calls on your calendar!

November 15
Eastern Regional Call
2 pm ET

Western Regional Call
3 pm ET/12 pm PT

November 16
Midwestern Regional Call
2 pm ET/1 pm CT

Southern Regional Call
3 pm ET/2 pm CT

Email mgriffin@naspo.org for the Zoom link.

NASPO Funds Expire December 31

Don’t forget that all 2022 NASPO funds will expire at the end of the year. Reimbursement requests will be accepted through January 15, 2023, as long as the expense was incurred in 2022. All fund request forms and policies can be found on the Reimbursements Page of the NASPO Network. Please reach out to finance@naspo.org with any questions. 

2022 Top 10 Priorities
#8 Effective Contract Management

Throughout the life of a contract, utilizing and developing best practices for contract administration brings incredible value – both to the contract and the goods and/or services received and to the relationships with suppliers. Check out the resources below to explore key concepts and strategies in contract administration.

Blog Post: The Care and Keeping of Contracts

Procurement U Course: Contract Administration Strategies

Remember: All NASPO-developed Procurement U courses are funded by NASPO and free of charge to you!


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