Pulse Podcast Pulse Podcast How often do you chat with your office’s attorney?
On this episode, we talk with McCall Ginsberg, Deputy General Counsel for the Georgia Department of Administrative Services, about the relationship between lawyers and state procurement offices. We discuss the benefits of collaboration and cover topics such as best practices for working with new procurement specialists, how procurement offices can better engage legal staff, mitigating risk throughout project development, and even more. Plus, special guest Megan Smyth, NASPO General Counsel, offers some insight about the attorney-procurement office relationship and tells us about the upcoming NASPO Annual Law Institute. And of course–we haven’t forgotten the Takeaway Game!
Season 2, Episode 13: You Can Handle the Truth: McCall Ginsberg, Deputy General Counsel for the Georgia Department of Administrative Services
Season 2, Episode 13: You Can Handle the Truth: McCall Ginsberg, Deputy General Counsel for the Georgia Department of Administrative Services Transcript
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