
Uncategorized Bulletins

May 2022

Exchange Conference Reimbursements Due

Attendees, don’t forget to submit your reimbursement for your travel expenses to Exchange 2022! The travel policy and reimbursement forms can be found on the Reimbursements page of the NASPO Network. Reach out to finance@naspo.org with any questions. 

Survey of State Practices Open

Primary members should watch their email inboxes this week for their personal requests to complete the 2022 Survey of State Practices. The email will be sent through Qualtrics.

Engage your staff and state agencies to complete the survey. If you have questions about the survey, please contact Chadwick Stephens. 

Special Report
Commodities Inflation Trends

NASPO recently commissioned a custom Procurement IQ report to forecast prices on certain core commodities to help buyers plan for the near future. If you have any comments, questions, or feedback, please email research@naspo.org. 

Download the Report

NASPO at 75:
1980s – NASPO Invited to Conduct Study for the Congressional Research Service

NASPO completed a study for the Congressional Research Service (CRS), part of the Library of Contress, to “prepare a compendium of the best ideas of practices that exist in the (procurement systems of) the 50 states.” The report was requested as part of investigations by House and Senate committees into the use of multiple award purchase schedules by the General Services Administration. 

Upcoming Events

Members-Only Webinar: Market Research in the Procurement Process
May 19

REACH Conference*

July 25 – 27
Kansas City, MO
Six registrations available per state

Annual Conference
September 25 – 28
San Diego, CA

*Registration Open

Save the Date for NASPO Exchange 2023

April 4 – 6, 2023
Salt Lake City, UT

New Procurement U Course
Introducing Sustainability in the Procurement Process

Contact Hours: 2

NASPO and the Global Electronics Council co-developed this course that offers introductory concepts for implementing sustainability in the procurement process.

Click to Register

Mazzone Award Nominations Open

Download the Nomination Form and view the full award criteria on the NASPO website.

Nominations are due June 17 and may only be made by Primary, Life, and Honorary Members.

Cronin Award Nominations Open

Download the submission template and enter your submission by June 3. 

Entries submitted by May 2 will earn a $100 Procurement U voucher. 


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