

NASPO is the nation’s leader in public procurement, driving excellence for its members through diverse programs, resources, and initiatives.

NASPO ValuePoint naspo-valuepoint department Reach out with questions on NASPO ValuePoint, use of cooperative contracts, supplier engagement, process inquiries, and procurement resources available.

  raw Communication and Marketing communication-and-marketing department Reach out to NASPO’s Marketing and Communication department for media requests, press releases, or social media marketing needs. raw Procurement U procurement-u department Contact Procurement U with questions about online courses, training for UPPCC certification, content, or upcoming webinars. raw Membership membership department Questions on your membership status, benefits, initiatives, or more? Reach out to the Membership department. raw Legal legal department Looking for guidance on regulations, terms and conditions, or have legal questions regarding NASPO? Contact us here. raw Tech Team tech-team department Questions regarding the NASPO website, reporting, or other IT related issues? Contact us here. raw Finance finance department Questions regarding your reimbursement, vendor payments, or other financial questions pertaining the NASPO? Contact us here. raw Conference and Events conference-and-events department Questions regarding NASPO Conferences and Events? Reach out to our team with any questions or feedback. Contact us here. raw Research and Innovation research-and-innovation department Contact the Research and Innovation department with questions on thought leadership, innovation in the field of procurement, reports, and tools.

  raw Partnerships partnerships department Are you an Academic or Strategic Partner and have questions for our team? Or would you like to talk about becoming a NASPO partner? Contact us here. raw